Own your city
Own your city
We created a campaign to engage with the urban consumer, talking to them in a local level, tailoring
messages to each city in both english and spanish.
We created a campaign to engage with the urban consumer, talking to them in a local level, tailoring
messages to each city in both english and spanish.
Hello, sorry that I cannot answer you right now,
But I went out.
I went out looking for my dreams
And if I don't come back,
It's not because I'm lost,
It's because I'm chasing them.
To grab the bull by the horns, like they say.
Going at my own pace, at my own rhythm.
So now you know where I am.
I just went out.
I went out to chase my dreams.
Ah. The American dream. A house in the suburbs. A quiet life.
A Golden Retriever…that’s all very nice, but it’s not for you.
You weren’t made from a mold. In fact, you’re here to break it and forge a new one.
Because you know it’s not about the things you can get, but what you can accomplish.
Make your own way on a brand new BMW X3.